Monday, May 4, 2009

Operational Manual of UBPA, 2009: Some Facts about UBPA

Greetings from the Executive in the year 2009

Waze wakhetha kahle! Usuke ukhethe kahle uma ukhethe ukufunda leliqoqo le – UBPA lapho uzophuza ukholwe khona.

As the operation manual will show, Uthaka Brain Power Association (UBPA) is an association of former students from Uthaka Secondary School in Wakkerstroom. These former students still very much remain part of the community of Wakkerstroom and as they curve their way in this life would like to share the little experience they have with the community of Wakkerstroom. There is no doubt that these youngsters are all destined for better and brighter things. They have taken the steps towards the realization of their dreams and goals, and now through UBPA extend their arms to their colleagues and the community of Wakkerstroom at large to say since the times of Dirk Uys our people were waiting for the youth to drive change and the developmental project that is achieved through education. That time has arrived and UBPA is here.

Reader you are given UBPA through this operation manual. You are going to know all there is to know about UBPA through our A and B’s of UBPA pages, you will know what makes UBPA tick through our Founding Provisions. The Constitution and History of the founders are here to show you the internal operations of UBPA. At UBPA everything is transparent and done by the book. The After operation June remarks by the Chairperson are the guide to you of the work UBPA has done till this point. Good service is acknowledged and appreciated at UBPA and as such you are encouraged to make use of this opportunity to know and learn more about UBPA, and generally assist UBPA where possible.

Remember it is all the small efforts of everyone that brings about change. UBPA needs you to take part and bring your bit to help our programs.


The A and B’s of UBPA
First and foremost, it is quite imperative that we state what our grounds for making known our objectives and aims are. At UBPA, we believe, as they would in the business world, that an organization, business or society that has no objectives or aims is similar to a ship that wanders without direction. In other words, UBPA believes that it (UBPA) should not be likened to a horse since a horse runs with no objective or aim except following the orders of the rider. However, UBPA does not perceive itself as an association that dictates what should its society’s needs be, but strives at all costs to remain apposite, uplifting, inspiring, co-operative, transparent, democratic, flexible and sensitive to the needs of the society it serves. Having stated our grounds for laying bare our aims and objectives, following will be the discussion of the aims and objectives themselves.

UBPA casts an extended attention to the context in which it intends to bring about social change and personal development. For this reason, UBPA makes quite certain that whatever aim or objective it establishes will definitely correspond with the needs and wants of the social environment it finds itself placed in. In short, UBPA strives to remain relevant to the society it serves by making sure that it studies and restudies the people of the community and the environment at large. In clear sense, UBPA attempts to maintain relevance by making sure that the goals it sets regarding social needs are achievable, realistic and suitable. The most important point that enables UBPA to maintain relevance as its aim is that its associates, as they are called; instead of just members, are all from the society they now plan to uplift and develop.

UBPA does not intend to do things for the people it cares a lot about, but wishes to work hand in hand with them to make things happen. By so doing, UBPA manages to avoid many flaws which any association, organization or congregation could make by doing things for the people instead of doing things with the people to enable them to develop skills. By working with people it serves, UBPA manages to escape the possibility of undermining the minds of those it intends to uplift. In other words, UBPA understands that doing things for people implies that you think or you know that people cannot do things for themselves, thus they need someone to do things for them. Ever considered what is meant by eSizameleni? For this reason, UBPA does not wish to undermine, underestimate, and inferiorate people it plans to elevate by doing things for them, but aims to work co-operatively with the members of the community. Briefly, UBPA believes in the saying that goes “give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day; but teach a man how to fish and you have fed him for life”

Cultivation of motivated individuals
With regards to this objective, UBPA believes that people should always see a reason for living and also see a reason for maintaining that living. In other words, UBPA believes that people should be kept motivated adequately not to expect things to happen the way they would wish them to happen, but to take an initiate for their own lives. UBPA sees it fitting to motivate the youth it intends to uplift so that it remains active and courageous enough to do things for themselves than blaming other people for their own lives. Briefly, UBPA motivates people to take responsibility for their own lives and understand that they should think and do things for themselves and do not expect and blame. In addition, UBPA motivates people to be optimists who always see a reason for living and reason for doing something positive for oneself and one’s society.

Uplifting people (youth)
By making certain that every invaluable information that it can get hold of and share with the youth of uThaka, UBPA strives to uplift the youth of Wakkerstroom in particular and the society in general. UBPA attempts to get as much information as possible that will be helpful to the future of uThaka’s youth. UBPA initiates numerous projects that will serve to uplift the youth of uThaka such as assisting the learners at school during June vacations studies. UBPA associates have made a must-do thing that they always have certain individuals who will be there to help learners during June holidays, especially grade 12 (matric). UBPA also intends to restore all the recreational points that can help prevent many young people at uThaka from engaging in activities that are detrimental to their health and future. UBPA sees it as vital that it encourages youth to go back to simple basics of life in terms of entertainment and recreation by emphasizing more involvement in constructive entertainment than future-destructive ones such as unsafe sex, alcohol or any substance abuse. UBPA aims to uplift the youth of uThaka by promoting and exposing to the world the talent that prevails within the youth. That is why UBPA strives to restore recreational activities such as dance in the community to both promote and expose talent and protect youth from harmful things to their future.

Founding Statement

Uthaka Brain Power Association (UBPA) was formally launched in a meeting of the 23rd February 2008 at the University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus. That meeting was a watershed moment in our history as was the building block of everything positive and developmental that was to follow in our existence as Uthaka Brain Power Association.

That meeting did not only breathe life to our lifeless body as an association, but it also gave us a name that signals unity. It is because of that meeting that no one can dare call us an organization any longer, and it is because of that meeting that individuals are no longer members but associates of Uthaka Brain Power Association.

The meeting was called as a prerequisite to the adoption of the constitution (that is to follow) and the adoption of our first ever program of action. In terms of the said constitution, section 1 provides that there shall be one name that all members will identify themselves with and/or be identified by hence, Uthaka Brain Power Association. Section 10 of the constitution provides that; a general meeting where big and major decisions like the ones taken on February, 23 in UJ will be held annually.

More so, section 10 provided that a meeting of this magnitude; must for all intents and purposes be properly constituted in terms of a Quorum. Accordingly, eleven members were identified (whose profiles will follow) as being instrumental in the formation of UBPA and were accordingly accorded the status of being founders of UBPA. Of the said eleven members six were present and thus meeting the Quorum requirement of section10 of the constitution. For this reason the members present had constitutional rights and authority to come to the decisions they came to and accordingly bind all associates present or absent in the true style and format of democratic centralism.

The meeting as a matter of necessity also elected its first leadership in terms of section 8 of the constitution. It was held in the meeting that all associates are good leaders in their own right and should be given an opportunity to lead at some point as we cannot all lead at the same time. Those not elected to any leadership position yet were encouraged not be discouraged from working hard with the present elected associates in advancing and furthering the aims and objectives of UBPA. For all that it was worth; that is what our constitution required of us.

In accepting the election of the inaugural executive leadership the Chairperson speaking on behalf of the elected leadership remarked that he understands that:

“UBPA has given us a mandate in terms of the constitution and the program of action for 2008, which can be revoked at anytime if UBPA is convinced that we are failing and thus not executing the said mandate diligently and purposefully.
As the newly elected leadership we shall stand together in unity at all times as divisions amongst us will result in us failing to execute the mandate given to us. We shall be leading a group of dedicated associates who are also united in a common cause with us and who shall rebuke us where necessary and support us at all times.

None of us will ever be greater than the other, and none of us will be bigger than UBPA. As the leadership we shall protect our constitution and remain loyal to the good name of UBPA never to shame it or put it into disrepute. We all understand that our own personal interests will not only frustrate progress of UBPA but will also be contrary to our objectives as UBPA, and as such none of us is driven by greed and the wish of failure to any of our associate. Section 6 of our constitution will always be relevant in this regard. In the words of Kennedy the UBPA is not here to ask what can Uthaka do for its people, but here to ask what can it (UBPA) do for Uthaka and her people. UBPA lives, UBPA survives, UBPA leads, phambili with business unusual all hands on deck as we march forward and accelerate the realization of our goals at Uthaka as was held by the president of the Republic in the State of the Nation’s Address for 2008”.


The Constitution of Uthaka Brain Power Association.

1. Name.
The organisation shall have one name that will speak to the values and mission of the organisation. All members will relate to this name.

2. Logo, Colours and Emblem.
The organisation shall have a logo that will be decorated with the colours that the members will agree upon. This logo would enable people to identify the organisation amongst many of the kind. The logo will in many instances serve as an emblem of the organisation.

3. Aims and Objectives.
The immediate aims and objectives of the organisation are those depicted in the values and missions of the organisation. In addition to those, the organisation aims,
(a) To bring real change, growth and development in Uthaka general. This will be attained by working closely with the youth of Uthaka particularly the school going youth and the school leavers.
(b) The organisation will strive to eliminate all forms of mental and psychological oppression that is primarily caused by idleness and redundancy.
(c) The organisation will strive to organise the youth of Uthaka into one collective, and will further look at social ills facing the community at large.

4. Founding Provisions.
(a) The organisation shall be non racial and non sexist.
(b) It shall be independent and sovereign of all other social formations guided by the need to realise its aims and objectives.
(c) Equality and democracy shall be the cornerstones of this organisation.

5. Membership.
(a) The membership of the organisation shall be open to school goers and school leavers including those who have found employment.
(b) Membership to the organisation shall be voluntary. No member may join the organisation for personal gain and privileges.
(c) Members of the organisation must serve wholeheartedly; dedicate their lives to the realisation of the aims and objectives of the organisation.
(d) Any member who joins the organisation will be subjected to all the rules, regulations and practices of the organisation.

6. Duties of all members.
(a) All members will be expected to contribute to the policies of the organisation as best as they possibly can.
(b) All members will be expected to implement and execute all programmes, principles and policies of the organisation to the best of their capabilities.
(c) All members will be expected to adhere to all principles, programmes and policies of the organisation.
(d) The final decisions of the organisation shall be respected and supported by all members.
(e) All members will be expected to uphold the autonomy, independence and unity of the organisation.
(f) All members will be expected to treat one another fairly and honestly in the true spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood.
(g) All members will be expected to attend all relevant meetings and gatherings as sanctioned by the organisation.
(h) All members will participate in any activity of the organisation, including voting and election of leadership.

7. Admission to the association [UBPA].
(a) Any member who undertakes to oblige and adhere to this constitution must be admitted as a member.
(b) Any member of the organisation will be entitled to all benefits and privileges of the organisation.
(c) A new member must undertake to never betray the ideals of this organisation.

8. Leadership of the association.
(a) Any member who has been an active member of the organisation for at least two consecutive years will be eligible for election to any position of leadership.
(b) The organisation will convene a general meeting annually to elect leadership.
(c) The leadership of the organisation shall be gender representative to ensure equality.
(d) The leadership of the organisation will be as follows:
(i) The shall be an Executive of a Chairperson and Deputy,
(ii). A Secretary and Deputy,
(iii). A treasurer who will also act as Organiser,
(iv). The executive will co opt two members who will perform duties determined by the executive and they will be given titles by the executive,
(v). Those members not elected to the executive will be known as an executive committee and will be responsible for checking up on the executive.

9. Obligations and Duties of executive members.
(a) (i). The secretary shall be the heart of the organisation and will be expected to keep the minutes of all meetings and make them available whenever required to do so.
(ii). The secretary will also be expected to attend to all correspondence and maintain regular personal and written contact with members.
(iii). The secretary will be expected to ensure that all members are abreast of the work of the organisation.
(iv). The secretary will be expected to draw up (timeously) all reports and documents as may be decided by the membership.
(v). The secretary will be a custodian of all policies and decisions of the organisation.
(vi). The secretary will be expected to present an organisational report at the general meeting that will reflect on the state of the organisation. That report will be adopted for accuracy and rejected on the same grounds. If rejected, the secretary will have to prepare another report taking into consideration his/her previous errors.
(vii) The secretary shall execute his/her duties under the constant overall supervision of the executive.

(b) (i). The chairperson shall be the brains of the organisation and will be expected to preside at all meetings in conformity with the constitution and other rules and procedures of the organisation.
(ii). The chairperson shall be expected to broker a way forward in moments of disputes.
(iii). The chairperson shall also exercise his/her duties under the constant overall supervision of the executive.
(iii). The chairperson will be expected to present a chairperson’s briefing in the annual general meeting that will reflect a possible future direction of the organisation.
(iv). The chairperson will be expected working in consultation with the secretary and organiser to propose a possible meeting day and prepare an agenda that will be adopted by the executive.

(c) (i). Deputy Secretary and Deputy Chairperson will be expected to assist and deputise the secretary and chairperson respectively.
(ii) The deputies will also be expected to fulfil all the roles of the incumbents but must do so with the approval and instructions of the incumbents.

(d) (i). The treasurer when acting in that capacity will be responsible for the financial books of the organisation.
(ii) The treasurer will be expected to submit all relevant books in the annual general meeting that will show the cash flow of the organisation.
(iii) The treasurer working with the executive will open and maintain the organisation’s assets in places and institutions determined by the organisation.
(iii) The treasurer is also the organiser of all events and meetings and subjected to the instructions of the secretary and chairperson.

(e) (i) The two additional executive members will be instructed by the executive that created their existence.

10. Quorum.
(a) The annual general meeting because it is the highest meeting that has powers to elect and dismiss members of the executive will have to have a quorum to be effective and invalid in terms of this constitution.
(b) The quorum must at all times be (50 + 1) of the total membership.

11. Amendments.
(a) The constitution of the organisation can only be amended by a two thirds majority of the total membership at the annual general meeting.
(b) To amend a member may propose amendment, and if supported the chairperson will start the necessary process.
(c) Until amendment and/or total rejection this constitution shall be the supreme law of the organisation and any conduct in conflict or inconsistent with it shall be nullified and appropriate steps taken against an individual member if a need arise.

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The Founders
Wakkerstroom does not give a lot of opportunities to its youth and the consequence of this is that after matric the once dedicated students who had a potential to become anything and everything they wanted face the reality of frustration arising from the conditions and the environment in which they find themselves. The only hope is to escape in pursuit of better opportunities and greener pastures. Alas, some do not even have a relative out of Wakkerstroom, or perhaps that relative is not willing to provide shelter for them. What else can then the young people do?

UBPA understanding these challenges wanted to bring some form of change. The members of UBPA having lived in Wakkerstroom for the greater part of their lives knew that the real problem was not that the youth of Wakkerstroom was not talented, gifted, hardworking and wise. The problem was that the youth did not have information as to how to use their talents, gifts and wisdom. UBPA undertook to provide that information. The nature and composite of the UBPA was that most of the information they could give was educational in nature. This was so because the founders were as follows:

Thulani Nkosi - a graduate with a Bachelor of Arts {BA} (Political Studies and International Relations) [Wits]. By the time the UBPA came into force on the 23rd of February 2008 at the University of Johannesburg, this graduate was pursuing his post-graduate qualification in law (LLB at Wits and was in his penultimate year) He was elected unanimously as the first Chairperson (Chair) of UBPA. He describes himself as critical in thought, articulate in engagement, fluent in speech, understanding in nature, confident and down to earth. He does not profess to feed the hungry; cloth the poor, but believes everybody deserves a break. He understands liberal democracy as a political process or dispensation that guarantees (or should guarantee) equal opportunities but not equal outcomes. He sees himself as a commentator and an analyst. He has published and continues to publish many opinions on a wide range of topics in the main stream media.

Bongani Mntambo - a graduate in waiting. This member was registered for a bachelor of education (Bed)[ FET] at the University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Campus. On the 23rd of February 2008 when UBPA was properly formed, this member was also doing his penultimate year in education. He was elected as the first Secretary General (SG) of UBPA. He had always been a key figure and member of UBPA. The name Uthaka Brain Power was coined by him, and the associates decided to add the "Association" so to create Uthaka Brain Power Association. He has sacrificed some of his close friends and allies to remain a staunch member, supporter and defender of UBPA. Perhaps it will not be too far fetched if it were to be argued that this member is a worshiper of UBPA and his dedication towards it is but a small token of the sacrifices he may make for UBPA. UBPA has however, groomed this member on the finer details of leadership, particularly the importance of collective leadership.

Fezeka Nkwanyana - a graduate in waiting. This member was registered for a Bachelor of Medicine (MBB Ch) at the University of the Witwatersrand. She is attributed with the edge that is expected of all Witsies, and enormous potential. At the formation of UBPA she was doing her 4th year in Medicine. The idea to form UBPA or an association like it was originally coined by her. She did not stop there but also called the first informal meetings that ultimately led to the formation of UBPA. To pronounce her leadership qualities and the desire to be the voice of the voiceless, this member in the year UBPA was formed (2008) ran for the Medical Students' Council and was elected making UBPA proud. At the Medical Students' Council she was a treasurer, at UBPA she was the first Deputy Chairperson (DC). She appears shy but do not be fooled she is no easy target. At UBPA she also co-headed the 1st portfolio of projects and Campaigns.

Sihle Mngomezulu - one of UBPA's best members. The work this lad has done for UBPA is not always reported on nor is it always held in high esteem. At the formation of UBPA this member was only doing his 2nd year of study at the University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Campus. He was registered for the Bachelor of Education (Bed) and makes no secrete of his love for tourism. A year prior to UBPA formally formed, this member was amongst the leading members that gave lessons at Uthaka Secondary. He availed himself diligently, daily and with enthusiasm assisted where he could. He is a very considerate guy. He believes in sharing the little he has. He has not only attended every single meeting UBPA has ever held but also did his part in those meetings. He even provides lunch for the members out of his own pocket and awaits no compensation in return. He is accredited for adding the "association" part to our name. Together with the SG, this member headed the 1st ever portfolio of Entertainment and Recreation.

Nozipho Khumalo - a graduate in waiting. This is the iron lady of UBPA. At formation she was also registered for a Bachelor of Medicine (MBB CH) at the Medical University of South Africa (Medunsa). On the day of formation she traveled from Pretoria just to make it to the meeting at the University of Johannesburg. She has been rebellious at times, but always obeys and abides to the rules of UBPA. This member truly understands that the benefit for the many often comes at a great price of personal sacrifice. She was elected the 1st Treasurer General (TG)/ Organiser of UBPA. Together with the Chairperson, she also co-headed the 1st portfolio of education. She is often the voice of reason and sense in UBPA, and the only person stopping the UBPA from becoming a "boys only club". She is accredited for asking for divine intervention on behalf of UBPA every opportunity she gets.

Innocent Mlambo - a graduate in waiting. A true dark horse of UBPA. At formation this member was also registered for a Bachelor of Education (Bed) at the University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park. UBPA know him as a guy with a mixed bag of fortunes. If he is going to get there his most likely going to be late and casual about it. Together with the DC, he co-headed the portfolio of campaigns and projects.

Wonder Mtshali - a true ball of energy for UBPA. At the time of formation this member was doing his 2nd year of his Diploma in Marketing at the University of Johannesburg, Bunting Road Campus. He was elected the 1st Deputy Secretary General (DSG) of UBPA. He is the co-head of Media and Publicity.

Lindokuhle Shabalala - a work horse of UBPA. Because of the nature and location of the members of UBPA, UBPA takes decisions on what projects it wants to do, and this member implements. She is forever at the firing line, taking the real risks for UBPA. She is UBPA's only link with its constituency. She is employed and brings a different dimension to UBPA, that young people can make an honest living.

Nesta Mabuza - a voice of encouragement. She stands afield and encourages the UBPA to wither any storm and leap on. She is also employed.

Sphamandla Ntshangase - a distant fellow that UBPA still expects a lot from. At formation he was working towards a qualification in Information Technology (IT). He narrowly missed out to Wonder for the position of DSG. He co-heads the portfolio of Media and Publicity with Wonder.

Jabulani Mlambo -Distance and Mountains have failed to make this member a renegade of UBPA.

These are the founding men and women of UBPA. UBPA is accredited for helping Uthaka Secondary School reach its highest matric pass rate of 75% in 2007. That 75% was achieved under trying times as that year we saw educators taking to the streets. UBPA will continue struggling to bring change to lives of the youth of Wakkerstroom.


After operation June 2007

Towards A Successful Wakkerstroom, Towards A Sustained UBPA.
Chairperson’s Briefing.

Members before one lays bear the state of our organisation as he sees it, he wants to quote some heroes that came before us with a gift of knowledge. This is meant to start a process of self critic from members and possible make members more determined to carry this organisation forward.

“As the youth of South Africa you are not called to peace, comfort and enjoyment but to hard work, struggle and sweat. We need young men and women of high moral, stamina, integrity, courage and vision. In short, we need warriors. This means that we have to develop a new type of youth – one with discipline, trained to endure suffering and difficulties. It is only this type of youth that will achieve the national liberation of the African people.” – Anton Lembede first president of the ANCYL.

“Every Generation has its own mission – they can either fulfil it or betray it.” – Karl Marx Das Kapital.

It is with great honour that one is present here today amongst the successful individuals who are testimony to the fact that you do not have to have wings to believe that you can fly. A lack of wings should not install in your person fear of any sort, and more so, fear to dream, fear to believe and fear to imagine. A well know artist sings that if she believes then she can be it. It is indeed with pleasure that one is amongst you today.

As one understands it, the purpose of this gathering is to cement and strengthen the organisation in various ways and disciplines. Leading to this gathering there has been recognition and acknowledgement of various shortcomings of the then project in progress, which today one hopes will become a solid structure with organisational validity and legitimacy.

As leaping as the project was it managed to stay afloat and testimony to this was the real hard work we did with the matriculants in the June vacation. One is privy to the information that because of our interventions the matrics did well with an all time highest pass rate of a 75 percent. Surely that is not enough as we should strive further to make it a 100 percent as we advance forward with our interventions. We should thank all our members who participated in that process, and one would believe that the work we did could have been a real difference between absolute failure of the matriculants and relative failure. Moving forward we hope that members will continue doing this work and those who did not participate in the initial stages – well the doors are still open for your inputs. It is true that towards the end, just before we could properly conclude our tasks we were ill-treated by the powers that be. Perhaps next time with better planning and communication with the authorities the situation will be better managed.

Having said that, we cannot overly rejoice on the June work as if we have succeeded on all fronts. There have been failures as well, a couple too many for one’s liking. In June we only managed to execute one element of our broader tasks. The only defence to failing to execute other tasks would be that the conditions prevailing at the time did not make it possible for us to execute other tasks. But if we were truly the young men and women of high moral, stamina, integrity, courage and vision as rightly said by uLembede we would have found ways and means to challenge and ultimately defeat the conditions that were frustrating our progress. If only we understood that we are not called to peace, comfort and enjoyment, but to hard work and struggle to better the lives of our fellow citizens.

There is however no justification whatsoever as to why Ms Nkwanyana omitted from caring out the mandate given to her by the organisation. Instead she decided to delegate. Is that not a sign of total disregard to organisational decisions and resolutions which will bother very heavy on her discipline as a member of this organisation, and more so as a leader. Perhaps she is not trained to endure sufferings and hardships that is why she gives in when things do not go her way. There is also no justification as to why the members who returned here after June failed to carry the momentum forward as true patriots and scouts of our organisation. This bothers heavily on their visions and stamina. Members of this organisation should not wait to be asked to assist but rather should ask where and how to be of service to our community.

There is also in one’s view no defence for the lack of communication amongst members, which one hoped the last gathering at UJ addressed. There was also no overwhelming reason as to why that meeting was poorly attended. But to those who were present and those who sent genuine pardoning remarks our gratitude is extended to you. Clearly you understand your mission and do not want to betray it. There is still no unity and cohesion amongst the leadership and that is a sad state of affairs indeed. What do you make of a situation where the chairperson would request a gathering from the secretaries and one responds “A meeting may be possible but not necessary”. Just because the secretary has no vision to share does not mean we all lack vision and courage to carry this organisation forward. Some of us are indeed the kind of youth that will strive and achieve liberation for our community; that is nothing but our mission. People one reminds you that the duty of a secretary apart from ensuring that all the necessary documentation is readily available to members, is also to work well with the chairperson and the collective leadership. For this reason we cannot appear to be pulling in different directions.

We are gathered here to strengthen the organisation by correcting these shortcomings. By this time next year who ever will be reading the chairperson’s briefing should be saved from problems and only report on the success of the organisation. Having spoken about the successes and failures of the organisation thus far, we should also touch on some of the matters in the pipeline. It is in the pipeline close to implementation one hopes that our “adopt a mate” program will kick off the ground. For details only Ms Nkwanyana knows. It is also in a pipeline that we shall have a comprehensive HIV/AIDS strategy. Without any doubt we shall strengthen our education strategies. We also hope that there shall be a rejuvenation of ideas in the sports, culture, recreation and entertainment projects of our organisation. One hopes that we shall have a competitive permanent researcher on the ground who will be forever serving us with information as to what the community needs next. That researcher will also be an able person to liaison with us. Close to one’s heart by now surely our website is up and running, and this brief will be posted there soon.


[After operation June 2008]
Mamela, the Chair speaks

On behalf of the executive and perhaps the general membership of UBPA, the Chair would like to take this opportunity to thank the membership of UBPA and as is custom also raise a couple of concerns.

If it pleases you, the Chair would like to thank all the associates of UBPA that made the trip to Uthaka Secondary and executed their mandate as stated in our plan of action for this year. There is no doubt that UBPA is a playing ground of both heroes and heroines of immense talent and intellect. The Chair is convinced that the associates who were down there performed to the best of their qualities leaving no stone unturned. From this it can be inferred that the people at Wakkerstroom gained something from this experience and their lives would change for the better.

It goes without saying that we encountered a couple of shortcomings in this regard, and of course some perfectionists amongst our ranks were frustrated, but the Chair hopes that we shall learn from all that happen. Organisation is one of the most difficult things to do in modern day South Africa precisely because people no longer want to give themselves but always expect to receive something in return. As a reader in Black Consciousness and a scholar in politics generally the Chair often asks himself how a leader like Biko; and others have dealt with the challenges we face today. Biko a medicine student at the University of Natal actually opened Zanempilo makeshift clinic in the Eastern Cape when he was under house arrest. Obviously he was assisted by other including Mamphele Ramphele. People the point here is that Biko and company did all of this out of their own initiative and expected nothing in return - yes, they also got nothing apart from death. The question then is how many of us lawyers, doctors; teachers and so on would give ourselves in this way?

To show that the Chair is not talking about and thanking fictitious people the following people deserve mention so to acknowledge the work they put in. As is custom ladies first.

Nozipho, Sikhwama, our Treasurer/ Organiser and Co-head of the education cluster thank you for having made the trip, and thank you for taking the subject of Biology in the vigor that you did. May you not tire and always respond positively to the missions of UBPA.

Fezeka, the DSG (the Chair won't mention the other portfolio you are Co-head of for the reasons that you know) you kept the fort and unfortunately ran out of fuel when the distance appeared to be demanding we say thank you for that. We shall pray that you receive strength from above to finish a task.

Mashudu, in the absence; or rather the late arrival of Sihle what would we have done with those hungry minds for the knowledge of Geography if it was not for you. The Chair sits here now and feels comfortable that he understands Geomorphology as nothing but the study of the surface area. This shows the determination you put into the subject that even a person passing by would have benefited from your insight.

Themba, the Chair is often accused of favouritism when it comes to you for but obvious reasons, but what would we have done with all those learners that wanted nothing but to drink in your mathematics fountain. Both the grade 11s and 12s benefited from your presence not only in the study of math but also the study of science, which were field that we struggle to tilt last year. We noted that you were the first to arrive on the premises of the school and that showed character and determination as you just kept on delivering on a day to day basis for the duration of the program.

Bongani, our SG the rule is simple only Mandela would spend 27 years in prison and come out to be hailed as the greatest leader of all time, but the rest of us must work and lead at the front. What economics would have been if it was not for your constant preparation?

Sihle, we noted your late arrival and the constant work you did therefrom. The Chair would hope nonetheless that you sorted out the thing about our contact details with the office of the Principal and that you shall do the necessary follow-ups in that regard. All UBPA demands of you is that once you have taken such an initiative it is only fair to see it to the end. It goes without saying that the Chair and the rest of UBPA membership shall assist you where needs be, all you need do is ask.

The Chair may have left others but that is not to say what they did was not noticeable, but time constraints do not allow the Chair to delve any deeper than this. Will the SG see to it that uMashudu has access to the constitution; that is if she still intends to enlist. It must be noted that the induction manual is still not complete and this means that we are yet to implement the resolutions of MEDUNSA. Will the SG get back to the Chair as to what actually happened with the Dance indaba that we were organising?

It goes without saying that we missed all those of our membership who could not make it for reasons beyond their control. UBPA can be conceived of as a mother with many grown up kids and when one of those grown up kids is not around UBPA gets worried. We hope that we shall be with you guys next time around. Mngomezulu you said that your profile on our website was not making you happy, so this is the time to send to the Chair the correct and proper information.
What has not been said in this mail will be said in the next. As UBPA we still hold the view that one round = one condom and one condom = one round. UBPA leads, UBPA is relevant!

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