Monday, May 25, 2009

Letter to UBPA


[1] The SG is enraptured and joyful that no mortal (who was absent from the activity)could suppose. We do no always get the SG to feel this way, so perhaps there is something we are doing correctly. Perhaps the SG is but the first of many within our banner who will also feel this way in no time. The trick if for UBPA to continue delivering on the Plan of Action.

[2] Associates will remember that the Plan of Action referred to by the Chair is the very same Plan of Action prepared and adopted by the current Executive. Most items on that Plan of Action have been realised save for a few activities mainly relating to Entertainment and Health.

[3] Both the Constitution of UBPA and the Operation Manual categorically state that the first task of any new Executive is to formulate a Plan of Action that will guide UBPA within the tenure of such an Executive. It then follows that the successes and failures of any Executive are not what we associates say, but on how much they have succeeded on realising the goals they have set for themselves. This is a balance mechanism that will serve to ensure that associates do not come up with too ambitious Plan of Actions.

[4] It will be remembered that the current Executive is not legitimate in that its tenure has expired, but until UBPA quorates and elect a new Executive this Chair and his Executive will continue to steer the ship called UBPA and attempt to deliver on the very same Plan of Action they formulated and presented to UBPA when they took office.

[5] The Chair will plead with those tasked with entertaining to come up with ways and means of entertainment that we shall put to the test as we go home for the winter schools. Whatever they (the Entertainment portfolio) come up with will be suitable provided it falls squarely within the ambit of "constructive entertainment" as was agreed. We hope they shall answer to this clarion call.

[6] It is also asked of those responsible for Health and Well being, if the Chair can so put it, at UBPA to come up with strategies that will be employed at the winter schools. We shall request that such a portfolio prepare something along the lines of HIV and Aids and pregnancy within the context of Grade 12 learners.

[7] Let it be known to all associates that the best delivering portfolio at UBPA, the education portfolio now is looking for ways and means in which we combine all the activities of all portfolios. The Education Cluster, as the Chair often refers to it, as part of UBPA and the vision of this Chair is for all portfolios to function as well oiled machines. The TG/O who heads this portfolio with the Chair will agree that there is no progress really if only one Education portfolio is firing. It is for this reason that we undertake to give other portfolios an opportunity to showcase what they have developed. This is the way we seek to package Education moving forward.

[8] It is the oldest cliche but true nonetheless that all work and no play makes, even the most gifted amongst us, dull boys and girls. It is for this reason that the Chair has embarked on serious engagements with the Entertainers to formulate ways in which we shall provide a platform during the winter schools, for our learners to let their hair down a bit and engage in constructive entertainment. It transpired last year the alcohol and substance abuse is still the only way in which most of our pupils entertain themselves. Of course this is coupled with reckless sexual engagements. It cannot be stressed enough why the Entertainment portfolio must work. It this point Dance is discussed, but then there can be other suggestions. We shall hope the entertainers are really gearing up to maximise the opportunity.

[9] UBPA, given the fact that our first citizen is not educated in the strictest sense of the word, but is still referred to in some corridors as an "organic intellectual", it has come to the attention of the Education Cluster that it is not only textbook information that we need to stress on when conducting our winter classes. We must be looking at ways in which we integrate what we are doing individually. We must be looking to our Medics to be performing simple Medical drills in a practical way. The truth of a matter is that you will never know when you will be called upon as a person to assist a fellow human who may be suffering from a basic medical condition that needs basic emergency assistance just to stabilise an individual before advanced help arrives and takes over.

[10] As the Chair was home for last year Easter holidays he had of a woman who was butchered with a machete for owing another R 300. Unfortunately the victim lost her limb. The information was that the accused had tried reporting the matter to the Police who said "Ayikho into esingayenza hamba nje niyoxixisana nalomuntu". Before Mlambo thinks the Chair is accusing the Police once more of incompetency, let it be known that the jurisdiction of the Police is only limited to Crimes and not Civil matters. The matter would have been different if the complainant was to say the victim stole the R 300, in that case the Police would have intervened because that is a Criminal matter that falls squarely within the jurisdiction of the Police.

[11] Point of the matter is that this woman was ill advised and now faces a prospect of being convicted in a criminal case for Assault with an intent to do Grievous Bodily Harm. It became apparent to the Chair that perhaps what is needed is for him as a lawyer in training to begin to make his studies relevant to the people on the ground just by explaining simple concepts really like how the Criminal Justice System works so that people understand that if X owes Y money that is not a police matter should Y not pay, but however X cannot then take matters into his own hands. The Chair is then looking forward to explain these issues to our people and urges each and everyone of us who has had the privilege to study whatever you have studied just to explain to our people the basics of what you have studied because you never know who may be helped in the future.

[12] This is a package the Education Cluster is taking about. It is encouraging that those tasked with organising have received the particulars they have asked for. The Education Cluster will however plead with those who have not submitted their particulars to follow suit. As the Education Cluster our plea is that we are given sufficient support from the school to carry out our tasks and that we have access to the necessary resources like open classrooms, chalks, dusters and so on.

[13] In conclusion of this lengthy letter to UBPA, the Chair notes that the SG says Nesta was around for the Open Day visit to UBPA. The Chair is disappointed to have missed an opportunity to see this associate. But we shall hope that all is not lost and soon we shall meet with her.

It is hoped that UBPA gets this letter and good faith. Ngixolise ukwelula.

Thulani Nkosi
Chairperson and Co-head Education Cluster at UBPA, 2009

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