Monday, May 4, 2009

How Associates should relate to one another: A word from the Secretary General

If there are meetings that happen to take place in the absence of some of our associates, I would like to guarantee you all that the SG will always make sure that you come into contact with the information that was shared. Should this be not so. I urge the associates to humbly and humanely point out to UBPA that thay have not received what they expected to receive.

Sometimes if it happens that an associate receives no information regarding a meeting and the SG has been asked to furnish such with no success, then that should be interpreted to mean that there has never been a meeting and therefore no information to provide associates with. A more positive and a bit rational tone should sometimes characterise the discourses or conversations that UBPA associates partake in. With respect to this, UBPA can be at an advantageous position of having a harmonious environment. UBPA should serve as a home away from home to all associates concerned, and for this reason, associates should, under no circumstance, wipe away this atmosphere.

When you feel like you are left out somehow in matters or activities of the association you are implored to state with having to make others feel despressed. We all make mistakes, and that should not tell us that mistake-commiters are to be crucified. UBPA! This is not a field of challenge or competition. We are united in this association to make difference while we value our differences. We therefore, need not speak to fellow associates as if we have been waiting so long to attack whatever point raised. After all, to err is but human.

'thani ngingageqi amagula ngingemuki. nginifisela impilo ende, enhle, enohleko.

Mntambo BL
Secretary- general UBPA and Entertainment and Recreation department, 2009

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