Friday, May 16, 2008

Project Know Your Status


TO: UBPA at large
FROM: Mtshali W.B, DSG
SUBJECT: Suggested ideas
DATE: 14 May 2008

My dedicated associates, this document serves as a memorandum entailing just a few ideas concerning the "know your status campaign".

I'm going to be very explicit on this matter.The following ideas I think will make some sense on you guys.

The date that I believe will best suit this event is the 16th of June,as we all recall that it actually has a significant meaning to us.
The soccer stadium,I believe is huge enough to accomodate the Esizameleni dwellers.
Pamphlets informing the comunity members about the function should be prepared and distributed to them,via each and every local shop/spaza, which I believe is the most easily accessible point for people.I can design them once we've reached consensus about the contents of the event.
There should be atleast two tents;one basically focusing on VCT, pre and post counselling.The other one will contain things like(1) performances by local artists-from music,poetry and 'INDLAMU'.(2)motivational speakers(3)our representatives stimulating the awareness of UBPA (4) what's the next step after matric.,f
Local entrepreneurs should be invited,and should be approached to contribute whatever they might be able to help with.

Guys,I hope you will farmiliarise yourself with this bunch of ideas.I think I have said enough for the day.

Thank you!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tactics & Strategies of UBPA - Implementation

At the meeting held at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) on the 13th of October 2007, the membership of UBPA resolved that the values of UBPA will be commitment; punctuality; respect; excellence and leadership. All these values were ways in which UBPA would serve Uthaka and her community with distinction. To this day UBPA remains committed to these values. Each associate by virtue of membership will be expected to be committed to the cause of UBPA. The same associate will be an individual of high morals as far as punctuality; respect, excellence and leadership are concerned.

The Chairperson in his first ever briefing as such sought to touch on these values at the meeting of the 28th of December 2007 by citing the first president of the ANC Youth League, Anton Muziwakhe Lembede. The quote by Lembede cited by the Chair read:

“As the youth of South Africa you are not called to peace, comfort and enjoyment but to hard work, struggle and sweat. We need young men and women of high moral, stamina, integrity, courage and vision. In short, we need warriors. This means that we have to develop a new type of youth – one with discipline, trained to endure suffering and difficulties. It is only this type of youth that will achieve the national liberation of the African people.”

The Chair remains convinced that UBPA needs the kind of youth as associates that Lembede wanted for South Africa. In that briefing the Chair continued and quoted Karl Marx who said:

“Every Generation has its own mission – they can either fulfill it or betray it.” – Karl Marx Das Kapital.

Again, the Chair is convinced that the youth of UBPA in line with the values of UBPA, its aims and objectives and the constitution will find their own mission in this day and age at Uthaka and fulfill that mission. In any event as UBPA we are bound by the constitution, section 3 to be precise to find our mission and fulfill it so to leave by the aims and objectives of UBPA.

Uthaka Brain Power (UBPA) will always have an annual Plan of Action which will be developed by all the associates and adopted at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Plan of Action will become one of the most significant issues to be discussed and debated at the AGM.
This Plan of Action will be informed by the culture and values of UBPA having regard to the aims and objectives of UBPA. The Plan of Action will always be consistent with the constitution of UBPA, and by all means will be practical and implementable.

Impracticality, ambiguity, and over ambitious will be sufficient grounds to dismiss any proposed Plan of Action at the AGM by the associates. A practical Plan of Action is one that is responsive to the challenges facing the community of Uthaka in general and the youth in particular. It then follows that in developing a practical Plan of Action the associates will have to scout, as is one of the fundamental values of UBPA, for problems and challenges that Uthaka is facing. The associates will then have to come up with ways to address the challenges that Uthaka is facing taking into consideration the resources available to UBPA.

Uthaka for many years has been a depressing place not only to live in but also to be associated with and for that reason it has become a standard practice and a norm that people who are bread and buttered at Wakkerstroom are shy to say so. With a name like Esizameleni to describe a residential area, who can blame them? UBPA aims to bring pride and patriotism to the sons and daughters of Uthaka by placing Wakkerstroom on a map. In the words of one struggle icon popularly known as Mzala by his cadres “history [does not like] blank pages so everything must be told”. History does not also like passiveness so things must be done so they can one day be told, this is a mission of UBPA and will be reflected on all its annual Plans of Action.

Apart from being practical and operable, UBPA will always have a Plan of Action that is supported and committed to by all associates. Associates will support UBPA’s Plans of Actions simply because no Plan of Action will ever be imposed on UBPA and her associates, but every Plan of Action will be developed and deliberated on by all associates. More importantly, all associates are progressive people who are hell bound on seeing lasting change at Wakkerstroom and will support and commit themselves to an Plan of Action that drives or at a minimum seeks to drive that agenda – the agenda for lasting change.

It should never be forgotten nor taken for granted that UBPA is driven by successful; dedicated and determined individuals. Being a member of UBPA entitles one not only to be called an associate and all the advantages that go with that, but also entitles one to be a member of this vibrant family of successful individuals. UBPA as a family takes care of her members as best as practically possible. Any struggling associate at UBPA has a right and an obligation to come forward with whatever problem they may be facing and UBPA will do its best to assist in that problem. The problem members may be faced with may range from academic to psychological stress that is as a result of the demands placed on us by tertiary institutions.

It is the objective of UBPA that it shall always be a relevant source of power and inspiration to the youth of Wakkerstroom.

Thulani Nkosi
Chairperson, UBPA

Road Map for Operation June

UBPA it is a sad day indeed that we are greeted by a memo from the DSG apologising in advance for his non availability. The TG/O and the Chair as co heads of the education portfolio have been dealt a big blow as far as the plans for the winter program are concerned. The blow is severe and fatal as the Chair was already in a process of compiling a road map for the education portfolio. The road map itself is complete and now must be submitted to UBPA for approval taking into consideration the
latest from uHlabangane of course. Let the gods of uThaka be with UBPA and prevent any further apologies of non availability. The road map will be followed by the time table.

Those who didn't make it to the induction common sense would dictate that they have now requested the notes, briefings or the minutes of that induction from the SG, so as to know what decisions regarding their portfolios were taken; and more so, the extent in which those decisions affect them. For this road map the education cluster will request that both the media and publicity assisted by the projects and campaigns portfolios will play their role as discussed and agreed at the induction.

Road Map for Education Portfolio (Operation June - Principles)

We, the heads of the education portfolio hereby submit that as
principles of operation June UBPA would:

1. Need to know who is going. By this we require the exact time of
availability of our associates. We however advice our associates to avail
themselves as soon as reasonably possible so we may have an impact and
the desired outcome. Fezeka submitted her availability days some time
ago but, DC it won't hurt to submit again and we hope that all our
associates will this time follow suit.

2. Each one of us must be available to do at a minimum two subjects and
this excludes languages. We therefore then request our associates to
start brushing up on the subjects that they did in their schooling years
so to be better prepared for this task.

3. The time table to follow this road map will have to start by content
subjects and end each day with the languages.

4. To be effective and reach our desired goals, uThaka must as a matter
of urgency make more classes available for us to use. The situation we
are envisioning here is one that says for example, if the DC and the
TG/O teach Biology in the morning and Mr Mabhedla and Mr Dladla follow
suit then we must have four classes available to these guys with reduced
students. Research every where proves that where there are fewer
students per class per teacher the learning outcomes tend to be desirable.
Our teachers in training would know this.

5. As a matter of principle, it must be known by our associates that
none of us will be teaching new things but will only assist in the
preparation of revision and the mock trial. This is to avoid conflict with
their teachers. We don't want a situation where by the time they learn
something they already say to their teachers UBPA was here and they said
this is how it must be done. Can the education portfolio get an Amen on

6. Motivation remains amongst our top priority. For this reason, we the
education cluster would mandate the SG to get Wonder the first year at
UJ to make an appearance on certain days at uThaka so to be the model
of UBPA's motivation course. Guidance is also key on this point.

7. The education cluster would like to ask each and everyone of our
associates to get a couple of application forms from their respective
institutions. We must leave them with something even if they don't apply
after we have left but perhaps an application may inspire some at least

This Road Map we believe is implementable, now can the media and publicity portfolio play its role here. DC, may you also get your projects and campaigns portfolio to do its job here. in the period of 14 days (2 weeks) we the education cluster will expect a briefing from the relevant portfolios. We expect the projects and campaigns portfolio to report to us that they have spoken to the powers that be and we have support and encouragement from the top, and that we shall get the logistical support we need in terms of making the classes, dusters, chalks and other educational means we may need available. Time is no longer on our side.

With respect to the availability of associates we give the projects and campaigns portfolio 7 days (1 week) to authoritatively tell us who is available. Like a well oiled machine we hope that as portfolio members we all shall be cooperative.

TG/O please also apply yourself on this road map in case the chair has left something out. For your prompt reply on this road map, the education portfolio will await.

Thulani Nkosi
Co-head Education Affairs, UBPA
Chairperson, UBPA