Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Path to UBPA

Some of the suggested names from our members building towards the satisfaction of section 1 of our constitutional provision. It is with great honour that we all now realise UBPA as the name that prevailed above and beyond all the suggested names. Section 1 of the constitution provided for the name of the organisation, but UBPA is yet to come up with the logo and the colours of UBPA to satisfy section 2 of the constitution.

Guide lines to the name of the organisation.

For the name of the organisation, members keep in mind that the name must be fresh and unique just like we are yet easy on the tongue and memory. It is trite law that the name will also have to be original, not blasphemous, not derogatory, not vague, not ambigous and not scandalous. In short the name will have to be meaningful and will be informed by our goals, aspirations and values. We are all gifted so it shouldn't be difficult to come up with unique names. One's proposals thus far are:

1. Pioneers for Change (PC) by Mr Nkosi

In motivation one will argue that what we undertake to do is pioneer not only on something that has never been done before as far as Wakkerstroom and uThaka is concerned, but more so on what one will call untested waters. For that reason
pioneers for change speaks directly to what we seek to do, in short in someway it speaks to our broader goals and objectives. Change, youth participation and development is what we are Pioneers for. Let us face it, if many people hear of the acronym will most likely think of us as the computers of Wakkerstroom that we are. A computer always signifies a certain level of development and technological advancement and it is that level of development and technological advancement that we need to be associated with. Naming our organisation PC is a step in a right direction.

2. Partnership for Uthaka's Development (PUD) by Mr Nkosi

One's co-Chair, Ms Nkwanyana once remarked that even the name of our location itself, Esizameleni would suggest that something is fundamentally wrong. Indeed, that name would suggest that change and development can't even be conceived at Uthaka, unless some outside agency tries it for us. For this reason Partnering as we seek to do for Development will not only go a long way but will capture us very well. In essence this name is informed by the youth engagement one participated in many years ago whilst he was still a learner at Uthaka Secondary. Some members may or may not know that one participated and represented both the District and the Region of Gert Sibande at the Youth Parliament held at Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature in 2001 if memory serves one well. The topic of deliberation was around the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). In that gathering one learned important lessons about development from both the theoretical and practical point of views. Naming our organisation PUD not only takes one bak to that event but makes him relive the experience and it is that experience of development that informs our organisation.

3. Uthaka's Youth Organisation (UYO) by Ms Nkwanyana

Sadly no motivation motivating for the adoption of this name was submitted, apart from the argument that it came from her mind.


One of us was suggested that in this organisation we are nurturing those young ones and we also uplifting them. Therefore, I have considered one of the organisation's
missions that were adopted in the meeting.Then, I have decided to form this wonderful name for the organisation regarding it. Indeed, we are aiming to nurture and uplift this youth as I have noticed that there are lots of challenges which I think everyone is ready to play his/her role. So, Bahlonishwa I would like to inform everyone about these challenges, we ought to take actions on.

5. Uthaka Brain Power (UBP) by Bongani Lucky Mntambo

Obviously without the power of any brain there is effective and efficient action that can at any time be executed. Therefore it appears to me the it is only
the power of the brain that makes things happen. Having this in mind, I felt impelled to believe that by brain's power everything is feasible. I'm furthermore motivated by Earnst Holmes when he says "Povert is a lack of thinking" it then becomes convincing to me to christen our baby organisation as Uthaka Brain Power kafushani nje, (UBP). Sec. BL Mtambo

Compiled by Thulani Nkosi
Chairperson, UBPA

Message From the Secretary General

As the subject of this missive maintains that this is
to the concerned UBPA associates, I write this with
doubled impending disappointment. However, it is of
utmost significance that I maintain my moral respect
by commencing by greeting you all with a healthy body.

I feel vehemently obliged to let all of you to know
that our Treasurer urges UBPA to come for the
induction meeting neither sooner nor later than
"Thursday, [for] [she] might go home on Friday." What
this tells us is that we cannot afford to plan for the
3rd since the hostess might be gone by that time.

Upon my analysis of the status-quo, I see it
appropriate to argue that the preparions for Saturday
might not be implementable. Thus, consider applicable
alternatives. One offered by the Treasurer, and the
others that the associates might think of.

Lastly, I must say that I feel very blued to consider
that the event we have planned for for an extensive
time is about to be impeded by the lack of financial

I rest my case at this very point,

Bongani Lucky Mntambo
Secretary General, UBPA

Letter from the Secretary General

An open letter from the Secretary General to all UBPA memmbers and those sympathetic to the cause of UBPA on this day the 24th of April 2008.

I as the secretary general of the association have
been intimated to by our valued treasurer that she is
more than ready to host her beloved and respectworthy
associates in the impending most significant meeting.

To those who have forgotten, I shall voluntarily
remind you that this meeting is the one that verily
defines precisely who we are as the association that
we are and as per subdivisions of the association.
Briefly, it is about the description of each and every
respectable member and concerned department.

For these very few (important though) reasons
mentioned above, I shall maintain that the time of
dilly dallying is really neither part of us as the
UBPA nor our neighbour. I, therefore, urge all of the
associates to be as responsive as they ought to be
with this regard.

The required meeting was estimated (take note chair
since this is the point of correction) by our
Treasurer to befall us during this weekend by vice of
having been too incommoded by academic pressure. This
says to me that she is now free and looking forward to
hosting the aiming-at succeeding association.

The primary reason of me writing this tiny(I hope)
e-missive to invite all of you to quickly respond by
telling whether you are ready to go to Medunsa for
first time in your lives (assumption we all live by
them, allow me then to do so).

To conclude, I love hearing from your sentiments and
intellects. Therefore, I beseech you not to deprive me
of the chance of hearing your vital intellects and
sentiments. I your Secretary-general Forever love all
of you equally. Take zest out of everything you do in
life, avoid regrets.

Bongani Lucky Mntambo
Secretary General, UBPA

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chairperson's Poetry

Note: This poem was first published in the main stream media in 2006 when the Chairperson was still pursuing his Bachelor of Arts degree. The Chairperson is one who is deep about issues of love, life, politics and development; and his poetry at times show this.

Even in absentia.

Even in absentia
far away,
across the landscapes,
far across the valleys,
far across the skies,
away across the open lands
you look beautiful.

Even in absentia
so near,
across my mouth,
near across my mind,
near across my eyes,
so near across my heart
you are beautiful.

Even in absentia
across the landscapes
of my breath,
across the valleys
of my desires,
across the skies
of my wishes,
across the open lands
of my aching heart
you are beautiful.

Even in absentia
like an old pendulum;
my mouth repeats your name.

Even in absentia
like a broken record;
my mind sees your shadow.

Even in absentia
like an orchid flower;
my eyes admire your appearance.

Even in absentia
like the falling rain drops
my heart falls for your love.

Even in absentia
you are beautiful.

Thulani Nkosi
BA (Politics and International Relations) student,
University of the Witwatersrand

The Decision

The Decision made
was a decision taken,
The Decision proposed
was a decision accepted;
like a soldier on the dawn
of a commander's
I had to rise
I had to act.

The Decision to love you
was not based on your
The decision to go out
with you
was not based on your elegance;
like time your
beauty ticked
and soon it was sunset,
like the weather
your elegance changed
and soon it was stormy.

I see those furrows in your face
It is a pattern of the ups and downs
of life.
I see also those marks on your
I know life gashed on it
but the decision to love you
still stands.

The decision was influenced
by patience.
It was patience that said
my love for you is like a stairway
going up breeds new life
the life that is beyond
those furrows
going down corrects faults
faults that were made by
that body.

the decision
to love you
is timeless
the decision
to be with you
is unconditional
so is my Love to you.
Thulani Nkosi
BA(Politics and International Relations)student
University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Secretary's Minutes of a Meeting that followed the formal formation of UBPA

NOTE: This is a Members only domain

This Meeting was held on the 13th of October 2007 at UJ. These minutes should be seen as part of the intense deliberative process that the founders of UBPA embarked on before formally establishing UBPA.

Adoption of the proposed agenda took place

Apologies from absent members and reasons furnished:

§ Themba Dladla (was teaching)
§ Sabelo Hadebe (lousy timing
§ Simphiwe Ngwenya (lousy timing)
§ Siphamandla Ntshangase (no knowledge about the meeting)
§ Nesta Mabuza (away)
§ Thando Mlambo (family matters
§ Innocent Mlambo (family matters
§ Nozipho Khumalo (inconvenient time)

Discussion based on the previous meeting
Core / heart aspects of the organisation

The position of the organisation

1.1 Vision: uplift and nurture. (Problems and Possible Solutions)

What prohibited the actualisation of this vision?
Extremely ineffective communication (Problem)
Decaying discipline among the members (problem)

Possible solutions:
With regards to communication:
Members are strongly urged to al least twice a weak view their mailboxes.
They are urged to use smses as alternatives.
With respect to discipline:
The need for the establishment of the rules and or code of conduct was perceived as crucial as the backbone of the organisation.
Separation of an individual from a member

1.2 Vision: Cultivating motivated individuals. (Problems and Possible Solutions)

What is the problem?
Members need to earn their positions (they lack motivation themselves), they therefore need incentives that will keep them industrious.

Need for conducting research was witnessed (for motivation purpose)

Scouts any member who happens to be available at Wakkerstroom
Home as an office run by Lindo
Advertisement of the organisation through collaboration with the schools (co-operation with schools (primary / secondary).
Few members went to the public, but could not and did not scout “because of the shortage of time”
Fezeka spoke to Nhlanhla and Lindo and got no clear response relating to the organisation’s mission.

Proposed solutions with respect to these problems.
Redefining scouts as one of the mission
Revisitation of the organisation’s relationship with the school

The values of the organisation

Introduction of all portfolios:
Culture and Religion
Politics and Economics
Sports and recreation

Distance travelled by the portfolios’ responsible:

Education feedback: school level part was partially achieved (matric aided)
HIV/AIDS: no distance travelled yet

Collaboration proposed with respect to the suggested impending AIDS day event.

Motivation: no distance travelled yet; Thulani motivated grade 12s about punctuality.
Entertainment: no feedback

Politics and Economics: no distance travelled yet

Sports and recreation: newly proposed

Culture and religion: no distance travelled yet

Operation June: feedback by Sihle; partial success, interruption intervened (school level)
Organisation focused largely on Education (school level) overlooking all the other important aspects.
Lack of personnel/ staff or specialists (contrasting to the partial success)

State of the organisation as a whole

By Secretary BL Mtambo: stagnant
State of the organisation on the ground
By chairperson F Nkwanyana: entry point noticeable, but nothing really auspicious
Thus, need for a review of the state of the organisation on the ground comes to being

Way forward

By chairperson TG Nkosi: restructuring of the whole organisation is needed
All the members present at this time agreed that the organisation need to dissolve and resurrect with effectiveness and productivity.
The members will have to voluntarily rejoin after having read, understood and accepted the newly established rules and or code of conduct

Suggestions of the name of the organisation from all the members via e-mail
Mentorship programme: “Training the tree while it is young” mentoring the young ones from primary school level
Establishment of Digital Electronic route I terms of advertising the organisation to the public and seeking it’s attention and interest. (Website)
Establishment of branches within the organisation according to various campuses
Recruiting new learners from the public for the expansion of the branches (fresh students)

Proposed matters

More prospective members
Computer laboratories for the public at large
Electronic devices for the smooth operation on the organisation’s party (for presentation, officework and other activities.)
Appealing for sponsors for financial support in numerous various respects

Compiled by:

Bongani Mntambo, Secretary General, UBPA

Assisted by:

Thulani Nkosi, Chairperson, UBPA

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Plan of Action for 2008

Plan Of Action for 2008.

Clearly, there is a general acknowledgement at least from the Chair that UBPA is weak with basic units of our leadership unable to confront challenges that our youth and society is facing. It is therefore significant that our plan of action is structured in a way that begins to address this unfortunate reality. The association collectively has many struggles to fight on behalf of our youth, and the capacity we have to successfully combat these struggles is vast and immense.


Ø We need to improve the organisational capacity of UBPA,
Ø We need to make UBPA relevant to all the youth and society;
Ø We need to broaden our social base and community outreach;
Ø We need to work towards addressing youth issues;
Ø We need to seek and receive active participation of all organisation members
Ø In short, this plan of action is calling upon us to be heard, to be seen, to be noted, to be engaged and to be cutting edge drivers of change, growth and development in all spheres possible.

The following factors are indispensable for a successful implementation of the 2008 plan of action.

  • We need members’ active and rigorous participation and involvement in all organisational activities.

  • We need members to use their skills, knowledge, expertise and energy in the programmes and plans of the organisation.

  • We need a sustainable development of members’ skills and understanding of many issues that are above and beyond textbooks and lecture notes.

  • We need a continuous collective leadership by those elected to be leaders.

  • We need a collective of members to head a policy unit responsible for developing all our policies and also exercise a proper oversight on all our activities.